TruWellbeing was set up to provide one-to-one Life coaching as an alternative to mainstream counselling. The focus is to help clients make a positive change in their life.
The Vision is of a society where the health and wellbeing of every individual is respected, valued and nurtured. Our mission is to provide support to empower, inspire and support every individual to improve and value their health and wellbeing so they can reach their full potential.
Working within the field of mental health, I realised the results were much improved when the client’s whole wellbeing was explored. I also realised that poor physical health and conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, ME were made worse by poor mental health. Relationship issues also massively affected clients health and wellbeing, which is why relationship coaching is also offered.
6 years of research enabled me to produce the wellbeing philosophy.
In order to be WELL we need to understand the impact of our choices. By focussing on improving different areas of our life, we can make small and manageable improvements.
How does this help? When you believe change is possible and recognise our role and ability as an instrument of change, this improves or locus of control and our self-esteem. This will improve your self-belief and confidence.
What’s the alternative? Well… If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.
TruWellbeing can help you reclaim balance, confidence and control so that you can be happy and healthy in mind and body.
When you can identify the behaviours you have in response to events, you develop clarity on what is unhelpful and identify how you would rather respond. We can then work together to find new ways of managing your life in a way that is more helpful and positive.
I have helped scores of people achieve a life with balance, confidence and control. Sounds good, doesn’t it? To get back in the driving seat of your life – where you’re in control!
TruWellbeing is partners in the delivery of the Active Together Families project with Plymouth City Council and Argyle Community Trust.
I have also worked with Everyone Active, Cass+ and a number of other local organisations and employers.