Bianca's Blog

Welcome to my life coaching blog. This page is dedicated to my clients, my wondering brain and general interest. Is everything about coaching, nope, not on your nelly. However, it is about improving your life, my personal experiences and research. A general hotchpotch of everything I think is interesting! I hope you find the articles interesting too, and as always, I love hearing from you - so if anything peaks your interest, get in touch and find out more x

How hugs can help you lose weight
29 / 12 How hugs can help you lose weight. Hugs and losing weight sound can be two lovely experiences. But is it that easy? Undoubtedly, they are both better than eating a carrot stick and going to the gym! ...
23 / 06 Wellbeing isn’t just eating well, going to the gym and thinking happy thoughts. Each of the individual the elements contribute to wellbeing and they also rely on each other.
What is Wellbeing?
30 / 05 Firstly, Wellbeing is often talked about when looking to improve our life or reduce stress, but it isn’t about eating mung beans, meditation, yoga and thinking happy thoughts… it is about so much more...
When You Should Eat And Why It’s Important
05 / 04 Not many of us know it, but knowing when you should eat is as important is What You Eat.There has been a long running debate amongst nutrition scientist about the best diet for optimal health. However...
6 Reasons Why You Don’t Want To Lose Weight
29 / 03 “I want to lose weight” is the defeated cry I hear most of my clients when they first come to see me. Undeniably, this is true. Losing weight could be compared to the carrot at the end of a stick. W...
10 reasons diets don’t work (and what does!)
19 / 03 10 reasons diets don’t work (and what does!) There are many reasons diets don’t work, but the hardest thing is not taking it personally! After years of trying to lose weight, I found that all I had lo...